Leading Worship and Accountable Discipleship are being hosted at Bethany UMC in Durham on October 22, 2022
We will begin classes at 8:00 am, take a lunch break (lunch will be provided), and conclude between 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm.

Leading Worship will be led by Reverend Tobi Nguyen – Pastor of Outreach at University UMC, Chapel Hill
Leading Worship
Certified lay speaker required class
Pathway: Worship Leader
This course focuses on the ministry of the lay servant who either regularly or occasionally leads a group, class, organization, or congregation in worship. The course is grounded in the classic patterns of Christian worship and the practices of leading worship. Learners will:
- Be able to name the four elements of the Basic Pattern of Worship and describe the history of this pattern;
- Practice leadership through the four elements of the basic pattern;
- Receive and offer supportive feedback on planning and leading worship;
- Explore and practice leading worship in a variety of settings, other patterns of worship, and multiple forms of prayer.
Accounting Discipleship will be led by Reverend F. Belton Joyner, Jr – Retired Clergy of the NC Conference of the UMC.

Accountable Discipleship
Pathways: Teacher, Worship Leader, Personal Faith Formation, Discipleship Leaders
This class is for anyone involved in Accountable Discipleship ministries. It explores a systematic approach for growing as disciples of Jesus Christ and will help Class Leaders, members and leaders of Covenant Discipleship groups as well as clergy.
Note: This is the prerequisite for the Class Leaders course.
By the end of this course, learners will have:
- Learned about Wesleyan spirituality and accountable discipleship, including the concept of God’s household;
- Become familiar with the Wesleyan concept of grace;
- Examined how the early Methodists created community and considered ways their own faith community can be a reflection of genuine Christian community;
- Learned about the role of class leaders in the development of the Methodist movement;
- Gained a biblical, theological, and practical understanding of lay ministry;
- Become familiar with Covenant Discipleship groups.
Please call or email the District Office with any questions about registration: districts@nccumc.org or 919.779.9435
If you have any questions about the course, you are invited to contact District Co-Directors of Lay Servant Ministries:
Rev. Anggie Thompson (athompson@nccumc.org) or Allen Burden (Ga57burden@gmail.com)