A Weekend of Healing
The longer we live through the lingering pandemic, the more exposure we have to difficult events and complex emotional responses to the upheaval we’ve experienced. As the saying goes, we’re in the same storm, but we’re not in the same boat. Some of us have weathered the pandemic pretty well; others of us have had our lives turned inside out, and the pandemic is not the only source of upheaval we’ve had to handle in the past months. Trauma is the word that describes an emotional response to severely disrupting or upsetting events. Since we process emotions differently, we may experience the same event but respond to it differently. However, as one leader said recently, if you have survived through 2021, you have experienced trauma.
Dr. Elaine Heath and Dr. Jeanine Heath McGlinn are sisters, authors and retreat leaders. Their book, “Loving the Hell out of ourselves,” is a guide to trauma recovery based on their own childhood experiences. Elaine and Jeanine will be with us the weekend of Jan. 7-9 for three events. Friday evening they will present “Elusive Epiphany: a conversation about trauma, resilience, and love.” Saturday we are offering a retreat for persons who have experienced trauma in this past year. If you would like to attend this workshop, please contact Pastor Claire for more information. Elaine will preach on Sunday at a service focused on prayers for healing.
Trauma is, sadly, a part of life for many of us. Unwanted, undeserved, yet real. Healing is a gift, given so that our life story can incorporate but not be solely defined by the experience of trauma. Friday night’s presentation is open to the public so feel free to invite others.
Friday, Jan 7 7pm – Elusive Epiphany
Saturday, Jan 8 – retreat (email Claire to be included: claireclyburn@gmail.com)
Sunday, Jan 9 (9 am and 11 am) – Worship with Healing Prayers and Anointing with Oil, Elaine Heath, preaching